How to design quantum circuits with Qiskit — Part 2

Matheus Cammarosano Hidalgo
7 min readAug 30, 2023


The second part of the tutorial on designing very simple quantum circuits


In my previous post I started a tutorial on how to design quantum circuits with Qiskit. In that post we designed quantum circuits with one qubit and we saw important concepts such as quantum measurement, superposition and also some quantum gates, which included the X-Gate and RY-Gate.

In this post we will design quantum circuits with 2 qubits and we will see quantum superposition and entanglement effects combined in the same set of simulations. We will also use another quantum gates that we haven’t used in the last post.

Circuit 1: Understanding the CNOT Gate

The CNOT-Gate is one of the most important quantum gates in quantum computing, because is the most basic entanglement operator. So let’s test it with a few cases.

Circuit 1a: Both qubits as 0

In our first case we are designing a quantum circuit with two qubits, both of them as 0 and applying a CNOT, with the first as the control qubit and the second as the target (we will understand these concepts later):

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit

from qiskit import Aer

from qiskit.visualization import plot_histogram

import numpy as np

backend = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')

qc = QuantumCircuit(2), 1)


job =, shots=1000)

result = job.result()

counts = result.get_counts(qc)

Our circuit is:

Figure 1 — Quantum circuit 1a

And our simulation results are:

Figure 2 — Simulation results for circuit 1a

In this graphic, the left qubit is the second and the right one is the first.

Nothing changed after applying the CNOT. It doesn’t seem impressive, right? But I promess things will get better on the next cases.

Circuit 1b: Qubit 1 as 1 and qubit 2 as 0

Now we have the following code:

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit

from qiskit import Aer

from qiskit.visualization import plot_histogram

import numpy as np

backend = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')

qc = QuantumCircuit(2)

qc.x(0), 1)


job =, shots=1000)

result = job.result()

counts = result.get_counts(qc)

We applied an X-Gate to the first qubit to invert it before applying the CNOT. Now we have the following circuit:

Figure 3 — Quantum circuit 1b

With these results:

Figure 4 — Simulation results for circuit 1b

This result is more interesting because for all simuation shots, the first qubit remained 1 and second qubit is also 1. So the second qubit was inverted.

But what happens if we have others combinations of values?

Circuit 1c: First qubit as 0 and the second as 1

In this case I will leave the code to you, because we just have to remove the X-Gate from the first qubit and insert it to the second one, before applying the CNOT.

Now we have the following circuit:

Figure 5 — Quantum circuit 1c

With these results:

Figure 6 — Simulation results for circuit 1c

In this case our quantum states remained the same after applying the CNOT, the second qubit wasn’t inverted. Note that in all cases the first qubit never changed and the second qubit only changed when the first qubit was 1. So let’s check when both qubits are 1.

Circuit 1d: Both qubits as 1

Now we must apply the X-Gate to both qubits before the CNOT, obtaining this circuit:

Figure 7 -Quantum circuit 1d

With the following results for 1000 shots:

Figure 8 — Simulation results for circuit 1d

Now the second qubit was inverted. Thereby, the CNOT gate is a two qubit operator, involving a target qubit, whose state is kept the same if the control qubit is 0 and it is inverted if the control qubit is 1.

But what happens if these qubits are in superposition?

Circuit 1e: First qubit in superposition and second as 0

In this circuit we are inserting our first qubit into a superposition state using the Hadamard Gate. This is a very basic and also important operator in quantum computing, because it operates as a change of basis in the vector space, making the following transformation from the basis states to a new one:

So, in our case, the first qubit is in the |+> state, which is a superposition state with the same probability of being 0 or 1.

Now, our code is:

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit

from qiskit import Aer

from qiskit.visualization import plot_histogram

import numpy as np

backend = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')

qc = QuantumCircuit(2)

qc.h(0), 1)


job =, shots=1000)

result = job.result()

counts = result.get_counts(qc)

Our circuit is:

Figure 9 — Quantum circuit 1e

With the following results for 1000 shots:

Figure 10 — Simulation results for circuit 1e

In this case we have a probability of nearly 50% of having the state |00> and nearly 50% of having |11>. But what happened in this circuit? After applying the Hadamard Gate, our control qubit had 50% of chance of being in |0> and 50% of being in |1>. Thereby, for all cases we measured 0 in the first qubit we also has a 0 in the second qubit, resulting in the state |00>. On the other side, for all cases we had the first qubit as 1 we also had the second as 1, resuntling in the state |11> and both scenarios had approximately the same probability.

And what happens if both qubits are in superposition?

Circuit 1f: Both circuits in superposition

Now we will apply the Hadamard Gate to both qubits, obtaining the following circuit:

Figure 11 — Circuit 1f

In this case I increased the number of shots to 10000 to have more precise results:

Figure 12 — SImulation results for circuit 1f

We obtained nearly the same probability for each state, because the CNOT worked with every combination (|00>, |01>, |10> and |11>) of both qubits with the same probability.

Note that, for all circuits, but mainly 1e and 1f, where we have quantum states in superposition, after applying the CNOT gate, the state of the second qubit inherently depends on the state of the first, we can’t determine the state of the second qubit by itself. This is quantum entanglement. And the same can be said of the first qubit, after applying the CNOT, it is also entangled with the second qubit. If we continue applying quantum gates, we will be altering the combination of states |00>, |01>, |10> and |11> and not each qubit separately. Let’s verify that with our second circuit.

Circuit 2: Verifying quantum entanglement

In this circuit, we are applying a Hadamard in our first qubit, a CNOT on both qubits and an RY-Gate into the second qubit.

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit

from qiskit import Aer

from qiskit.visualization import plot_histogram

import numpy as np

backend = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')

qc = QuantumCircuit(2)

qc.h(0), 1)
qc.ry(np.pi/3, 1)


job =, shots=10000)

result = job.result()

counts = result.get_counts(qc)

This is our circuit:

Figure 13 — Circuit 2

With this result:

Figure 14 — Simulation result for circuit 2

Even that the RY-Gate affects only the second qubit, now we are working with a four states vector space and applyng the RY will affect all states.


This was a very simple explation on how CNOT Gate works and we also verified quantum entanglement, which is a very important concept. However, the use of this gate has several implications in other quantum systems, such as the quantum phase kickback. I encourage you to study about this gate deeply, for although it is simple, its use has a series of complex developments.

If you want to dive further in designing quantum circuits, Frank Zickert’s book is also a nice reading, with interesting examples of quantum circuit designs.

